Contact Us

  • Hoarding cleanup should only be performed by people that are trained in dealing with hoarding and the often associated psychological disorders.
  • The cleanup of a hoarding house can often lead to anxiety, depression, frustration and anger even when the hoarder is willing to have their home cleaned.
  • The training our crews receive for hoarding cleanup addresses these issues and how to reduce the feelings a hoarder may feel.
  • Call the experts at Extreme Hoarding Clean Outs today to learn more about hoarding and hoarding cleanup. We look forward to answering your questions.

2 Contact Options...

  1. Use the chat widget in the bottom right of the website
  2. Text your questions to us at our Nationwide Texting line @ >  405.259.5450
    • You can also schedule a call with us assuming we get some photos of the home first

If you need Hoarding cleanout services in Canada, see our sister site here: