Payment Plans How it Works You submit an application (with photos) that gathers details about you and your home situation and time frame We determine total costs and time needed to complete Hoarding/Junk Removal cleanout then propose a monthly amount based on your income and budget We send the proposal to you and to our network of cleaners to make sure we the man power and that both sides are on the same page as to scope of work Once both sides are approved and agreed to a Monthly or Weekly payment amount, we schedule your cleaning! Minimum down payment to start a Payment plan for Hoarding cleanup is $500 Who this is NOT good for... People that are in a hurry and/or being rushed, due to moving or being evicted very soon (the approval process can take 1-2 weeks usually) Dumpster rental costs may not be able to be included If you don’t have 2 valid credit cards to use for monthly payments (main one and back up card also) If you cannot afford the plan down payment setup fee (15% to 30% of total amount), a payment plan may not be for you Example: if the total estimate is $20K, your down payment could be $3K to $6K Apply Here >